Hey all,
I’m clunking my head on the table trying to get this circuit to work. I’m trying to drive a 5v relay with the Arduino to switch a 12v solenoid circuit. Originally, I just was driving the relay straight from a digital output pin and it worked fine. But, with further investigation I found that is the incorrect way to do it because you could fry a pin. So, I set up a NPN transistor circuit according to:
http://www.arduino.cc/playground/upload … relays.pdf
I can drive an LED with this setup, but that’s about it. If I power from the Arduino 5v output, I can only get about 2.5v across the relay coil. So, I tried using a 12v adapter and I still seem to only get about 2.5v across the relay coil. Seems weird to me. I’ve messed around with switching grounds around and base resistor values. I have all the grounds connected and running to both the Arduino ground and the ground from my 12v switching supply. Maybe its the transistor I’m using?
I’m using the 5v relay from SparkFun
and a KSP2222A Transistor
http://www.datasheetcatalog.org/datashe … P2222A.pdf
Any ideas? Thanks for the help!