Those simple transmitters and receivers are a waste of time for an application like that. You need to use something like the nRF24L01+, they are often used for wireless sensor networks.
Yair- you’re referring to time-synchronized “rendevous” of nodes in a mesh network. Hard to DIY that. But there are several public domain mesh networks and some product ones. Many use IEEE 802.15.4 as the transport layer. That standard is supported by a dozen or more interoperable vendor products. SFE sells Digi’s XBee modules. Series 1 can use Digi’s own mesh network called DigiMesh. Series 2 an use the (overly complex) ZigBee protocol for meshing. Other open protococols include ISA 100.11a and 6LoWPAN. And there’s the work done by UCLA with TinyOS for Atmel AVRs.