Table tennis scoreboard

Hi Guys,

Just purchased all my gear to build this and have a partial design started. Downloaded and installed IDE. I’m using the large 7 segment displays and drivers. Wanted to upload the simple counting sketch from the large digit driver hook up guide on this site to my redboard. The software identifies many errors throughout the sketch. Just wondering if I have the correct software version? Totally new to programming these, and just wrote my theory of how I want the scoreboard to operate. for reference parts list and a preliminary wiring diagram is attached.

scoreboard.pdf (2.84 MB)

Hello, it will be easier to answer for us if you please share the error messages that you’re getting while compiling the sketch.

Hi Been a long time but picking this project back up.

I am new to bit registers so hoping the drawing makes sense. Are there any example sketches available that I can test this with? Attached is a simplified drawing. The theory of operation is as follows:

• Power on- segments illuminate

• Players rally for serve winner hits their button

• All four digits display zeros, decimal point on 1’s digit illuminates on whatever side won the rally for first serve.

• Point gets awarded to one side by pushbutton

• second point gets awarded by pushbutton

• serve changes side- decimal point extinguishes from 1’s digit and illuminates decimal point on opposite sides 1,s digit

• displays continue to count up by each pushbutton changing serves every 2 points

• game goes to 11 as long as there is a differential of 2.

• If the lead is not by two: displays will continue to count up until a differential of 2 is achieved. Switching serve every point if game passes 11.

• Winners score flashes

• Either button is hit staring new game

scoreboard.pdf (88.2 KB)