Teensy 4.0, Teensy 4 Audio, TeensyView

Greetings fellow tinkerers.

I recently purchased:

  • Teensy 4.0

  • Teensy 4 Audio Shield

  • Teensy View
  • I put everything on stacking headers and changed the TeensyView Jumper settings (Under a microscope) according to the TeensyView Hookup Guide.

    I have had this setup before using the original Teensy Audio Shield with the Teensy 3.6 and it worked fine. I decided I wanted to build more of them with the new hardware, so I bought two of each. I also updated all the software I could find to update Including TeensyDuino and the Teensy loader.

    For some reason, I can’t get anything to work. When I load the Teensy Audio program with the Alternate (Audio) selection set, I get nothing. When I load the Screen Demo, the onboard LED blinks like it’s updating the screen, but the screen remains blank. I am using the stock example code so I don’t think posting the code would be useful.

    Arduino Settings:

  • Board: Teensy 4.0

  • USB Type: Serial

  • CPU Speed: 600MHz

  • Optimize: Faster
  • Also, if this is not the correct place to ask for help with this, let me know so I can go to the correct place.

    Me too! Any word on this? Exactly the same behavior, same situation. Teensy 4.1, in audio compatibility mode. Cut jumpers carefully and checked them, soldered jumper pads carefully and checked them, used the “alternate” pin settings in the demo code, my solder points all look great, no luck. Teensy LED flashing (can’t really figure out why it’s doing that, kind of looks like it’s mirroring the serial data?!? See nothing in the library code that ought to do that!) Should I just ask for replacement? This one is brand new.

    I think I see. 4.1 doesn’t support Teensyview AND audio. At least not without wiring things up in a non-shield sort of way. blarg.