Temperature Sensor Differences

What is the difference between SEN-14049 and TMP36? I am looking to hook use a temperature sensor on a Microbit and wasn’t sure which would work best.

SEN-14049 provides a digital temperature reading over a 1-wire bus.

TMP36 provides an analog voltage output that is proportional to the temperature.

darrellg is absolutely correct regarding the differences between the two so thanks for helping clarify the differences between the two!

To go further, we use the TMP36 in the SparkFun Inventor’s Kit for micro:bit so we have an example using that sensor in our Experiment Guide here: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … ure-sensor

Both can work with the micro:bit with the right code, but the TMP36 will be a bit easier since it is an analog signal that you can easily convert to a temperature.