I am a newbie in avr programming. I got a couple of avr, bascom-avr compiler but I don’t have a good test code.Can some one help me with a test code in basic , for example blinking a LED.
I am a newbie in avr programming. I got a couple of avr, bascom-avr compiler but I don’t have a good test code.Can some one help me with a test code in basic , for example blinking a LED.
Have a look at some of the samples, the DT006 one in particular is quite simple
$regfile = “attiny2313.dat”
$crystal = 10000000
Config Portb.7 = Output
Portb.7 = 1
Waitms 20
Portb.7 = 0
Waitms 10
Goto Main
Remember to remove J2 when programming then replace it to flash
I used the PonyProg to program the chip