I have a couple questions regarding the TFmini Plus - I2C …
If an object is closer than the 0.1 meter limit, what does the device output? … Zero, error, nothing, etc. ? Does it register an obstruction / object but just not an accurate distance?
The datasheet states the device can be re-addressed (0x01~0x7F). I’m assuming this would allow for multiple devices to be used with a single Arduino microcontroller, but just want to make sure this is the case.
It’s hard to say, I’d guess it would likely be 1 of 3 scenarios:
1 - random readings as the buffer gets intermittently hammered on
2 - reads ‘0’ because buffer overflow results in timeout, or the threshold for generating readings isn’t met
3 - somewhat ‘regular’ readings, though poorly calibrated/very inaccurate
I think scenario #2 is most likely per this note: "① Represents the detection blind zone of TFmini Plus, 0-10cm, within which the output data is unreliable. " https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/1/4/2/1 … ual_EN.pdf
I can’t find anything in their documentation http://en.benewake.com/support_data?cat … scroll=200 doesn’t have much about addressing…though note you could always use a mux in front of many and interface that way if it’s not a config option