TFMini-S - Micro LiDAR Module SEN-16977 - working or not?

I just purchased TFMini-S - Micro LiDAR Module SEN-16977.

I have been having trouble with making this work or see any results.

Devices used:

SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic - DEV-15123

.96 SSD1306 OLED Display

I first tried connecting the TFMINI to a MUX board along with the SSD1306. I could not make the TFMINI work t, just the OLED.

Then I removed the MUX and connected the TFMINI directly to the QWIIC connector on the RedBoard. and then the OLED to a GROVE Hat. After several attempts (Using ROB’s Garage Parking Code) I was able to see readings from the TFMINI. However, I then wanted to make it portable and connected to a LI battery rated at 1A and nothing happened. I reconnected the system back on my Windows (Type 3 USB) and it still did not work. Is my LIDAR ruined? If so, how?

I also tried connecting a 9V battery to the barrel power. Still nothing. I also tried reloading the Script. no luck.

Why would it work and then not work again?

I did not see any status lights on the LIDAR or the Booster card ever, is there any way to tell if the LIDAR is not working or the Booster board?

Today I attempted additional tests to see if the TFMINI was still working.

The RedBoard was connected to Type 3 USB Hub.

  1. I opened the Arduino IDE and started the Serial Monitor. No output from LIDAR

  2. I removed the GROVE HAT with the OLED display; Output was displayed in Serial Monitor

  3. I Put the GROVE Hat back on but took the OLED off the Hat: Output was displayed in Serial Monitor

It is obvious to me that even a little draw from the LIDAR prevents it from working. How can I make this useful for portability? Not being to see or capture the readings is not helpful.

The LIDAR is rated for 5V. But there is a question regarding the “voltage” on the SDA and SCL signal lines such that a 5V signal line will fry the LIDAR!? How can I make sure the Signal lines are the correct voltage?

Ideally, I would like to attach the LIDAR to my SEEDUINO with Extension board (with Grove and Display) or my SEEED WIO TERMINAL with Grove connectors and GPIO accessibility for specific functions.

There must be a way to use the TFMINI without a Serial Monitor and Desktop - I hope.

I meant Seeduino XIAO with Extension board which has an OLED display.

My testing is accomplished and my results tell me that the QWIIC 3v3 implementation is limited at best. I have tried various power sources. My results showed that a LI 5V 2A battery provided the best results.

The final hardware setup was a QWIIC Redboard (BlackBoard C worked the same), TFMINI with included boost board and an I2C SSD1306 .96 OLED directly connected to appropriate pins.

Strange reading pop up often and even blanking the display (as if the distance was out of range for the 3v3 setup). However, with a few purposed exceptions the distance was ONLY between 1’ - 20’. Results were also affected by bright indoor light.

I will not be able to use this 3v3 setup for anything substantial,

I would like to see SparkFun offer a 5V implementation (option), that is instead of a 3v3 boost board a board which allows 5V power but the required 3v3 on the 2 signal lines. I am not yet savvy on how to make that happen .

I think the “SparkFun Distance Sensor Breakout - 4 Meter, VL53L1X (Qwiic)” may work better for me at this point.