
If you could carry Thermistors it would be great then i could get them bundled into one shipping fee instead of having to pay mouser $5 for delivery. I live in the same city as mouser and they will not let me pick up anything, it has to shiped. That is aggrivating when i drive past them almost every day

What kind are you looking at (mouser part #)? I’ll see if we can get some stock. I dunno if we can carry too many small parts - the shipping guys are going to kill me if I start stocking discretes…


I really dont know what i need i was just going for cheapest

Mouser Part #594-2322-640-63103 looks good for price

Looks good. I don’t think I’ve ever played with a thermistor (things they fail to teach you these days at college :oops:). But we’ll get a bag of em and post them in the components section.


Sweet yall have the best customer relations

I’m hoping this is the thermistor you sell on your web site. Because the data sheet has some errors…

I had some real trouble confirming the equations in the data sheet. [This link is to a spreadsheet with the corrections. I used the first sheet to determine the appropriate resistor value to put in series with the thermistor, to maximize the range of the ADC. The second sheet has the corrected equations, along with the appropriate values for the equation (from the data sheet). The third page uses the earlier data to project what values the ADC would present, given various temperatures.

By the way, the “ods” file extension is that new Open Document format, for compatibility. Which probably means that nobody can read it now =)](Welcome to nginx!)