Thing (ESP-8266) proto shield & board defn

I think the new SparkFun Thing is cool, so I put together a design for a shield-like board in Eagle.

There are two board design files.

The ThingShield_Bare is a board outline that you can use as a starting point for your own shield design (sensors, controls, etc).

The ThingShield_Proto is a shield with prototyping space.

Note: These boards are a bit shorter than the Thing board to ensure that the antenna is not too obscured.

You can order the proto shield from OshPark [here .

CAVEATE: I just ordered the boards myself so they have not been tested yet. I’ll report back here as soon as I have determined that the board is functional. Not that there is a lot that can go wrong with it, but Murphy is still with us. :wink:

Have fun,

Chip](OSH Park ~)