Thing Plus C using BluetoothSerial won't compile new Arduino IDE ESP32 Development Board definition

Arduino recently revised the ESP32 board definitions in the IDE. The Sparkfun recommended board for the Plus C is the ESP32 development Board. The new definition uses the S2 version which has no Bluetooth. If using BlueToothSerial, the code will not compile. I switched to the ESP32_WROOM_DA board def which seems to work.

Now have issues with I2C. A GPS module is not recognized when the bus has four other devices attached. It does work when alone on the bus. Not sure what the issue is.

Is there a better IDE board definition to use?

This product: … ection.jpg

Works for me using ESP32 Arduino core v2.0.2

As I said, the BlueToothSerial doesn’t work with the latest version of that board definition. It is based on the ESP32-S2 which doesn’t have Bluetooth.

Hi @Bushedo,

The ESP32 Dev Module is still there with v2.0.4 and the bt_classic_device_discovery (BluetoothSerial) example still compiles OK for me:

I hope this helps!


Sparky, Paul,

You guys are right. That ESP Development Board is still there and does work with BT. That was the board definition I was using prior to the update. What I believe happened is that after the update the default board in the IDE shifted to the S2 version. When the compiler choked I thought I was still in the original board definition. Since I started trying other boards to see which one might work, I was unable to see the problem. Thanks for your help.