TinyAVR Programmer and Raspberry Pi

I recently purchased the TinyAVR programmer and am following the hookup guide at https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ti … kup-guide/ running a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and Arduino 1.8.13. I’m trying to upload code to an ATTiny85 (that I previously used the Arduino ISP to program), and on upload I get this error message:

avrdude: Error: Could not find USBtiny device (0x1781/0xc9f)

I’ve tried all the USB ports on the Pi, no change. The USB Tiny device is listed when I run lsusb in the terminal. The hookup guide suggests reinstalling the drivers on Windows. Is there an equivalent procedure for Linux?

Thanks in advance!

Unfortunately we do not support the TinyAVR Programmer on the Pi, but the link below might help. :slight_smile:

  • http://www.krekr.nl/content/using-usbti … th-ubuntu/
  • Thanks for the quick reply and for the link. I’ll give that a go - you might want to make mention of the lack of support for Linux somewhere on the product page or hookup guide, which says that “If you’re using a Mac or Linux machine, you don’t need to install drivers. Just plug the board in, and skip to the Programming in Arduino page.”