TMAG5273 SparkFun Unresponsive XYZ values

I have a SparkFun TMAG5273 board connected via qwiic connect to RedBoard Plus. I am trying to run the example 1 code BasicReadings and am receiving random numbers between -1 and 1 regardless of whether a strong N52 magnet is near touching the hall effect or not.

This is a similar if not the same issue as TMAG5273 Sparkfun have no value for data on x,y,z axis - #7 by yutong_he but that was never resolved.

The temperature does seem to respond correctly but not the field.

Here is an example of the serial output:

Can you help resolve this issue? Thanks.

That looks similar to the example’s GIF

It looks like someone named Raelx forked/released a fix if you want to test that one?

I replaced the library folder in my documents with the forked library here: GitHub - Raelx/SparkFun_TMAG5273_Arduino_Library: Communicates with the TMAG5273 over I2C to quickly integrate a Hall-effect sensor into your project.

I saw no change in response. I was originally using library version 1.0.3 which should have been the updated version per that thread anyways. One main difference I notice is with that issue and mine is they have sometimes “accurate”, high readings. I have never seen numbers above 1 in magnitude.

I purchased another hall effect board to see if that made a difference. It did not.

I ended up using the int16 patch from this github forum: Inconsistent X/Y axis magnetic field readings, incorrect temperature reading · Issue #5 · sparkfun/SparkFun_TMAG5273_Arduino_Library · GitHub

That gave me numbers that moved up and down as I brought the magnet in and out though I don’t trust the units and the result is still fairly noisy.

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Glad to hear you got something functioning!