First of all thank you to anyone that helps!
We (my son and I) are TOTALLY new to robotics and we are trying to make a robot follow a line. I have used google and found quite a bit of information. Of course I am posting because we have encountered a little issue.
We have purchased RedBot Kit ( We have downloaded the arduino software and tested the robot with the BLINK code and it worked.
We added the Redbot_ Arduino_Library and - Link from GithUb (both of these are referenced on this page under Documents - and the RedBotKit Libraries.
We then opened Arduino software and Select Examples, RedBot, Demo it opens up the following CODE (See below). When I verify/Compile the code i get the following error - error: ‘followNoCal’ was not declared in this scope. Could some one please let me know what i am doing wrong?
RedBot Demo1
Created 30 Jul 2013 by Mike Hord @ SparkFun Electronics.
This code is beerware- feel free to make use of it, with or without
attribution, in your own projects. If you find it helpful, buy me a beer
the next time you see me at the local- or better yet, shop SparkFun!
This is a simple line following demonstration using the RedBot.
It uses three of the line detection sensors to follow the line, and the
accelerometer to start the line following behavior.
// Include the libraries. We make a provision for using the Xbee header
// via software serial to report values, but that’s not really used in
// the code anywhere.
#include <RedBot.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// Instantiate the motor control class. This only needs to be done once
// and indeed SHOULD only be done once!
RedBotMotor motor;
// Instantiate the sensors. Sensors can only be created for analog input
// pins; the Xbee software serial uses pins A0 and A1 and the
// accelerometer uses pins A4 and A5.
RedBotSensor lSen = RedBotSensor(A2);
RedBotSensor cSen = RedBotSensor(A3);
RedBotSensor rSen = RedBotSensor(A6);
// Instantiate the accelerometer. It can only be connected to pins A4
// and A5, since those are the I2C pins for this board.
RedBotAccel xl;
// Create a software serial connection. See the Arduino documentation
// for more information about this. The pins used here are the hard
// wired pins the Xbee header connects to.
SoftwareSerial xbee(15, 14);
void setup()
// Enable bump detection. Once a bump occurs, xl.checkBump() can be
// used to detect it. We’ll use that to start moving.
// Variable used to wait on a bump before starting operation.
boolean following = false;
void loop()
// checkBump() checks a register in the accelerometer to see if a
// bump has happened since the last time checkBump() was run. If
// one HAS occurred (i.e., the user tapped the accelerometer),
// start following the line!
if (xl.checkBump() && following == false) following = true;
if (following)