Track construction

It looks like the track will be constructed out of hay bales? Or are they really straw bales? There is a subtle difference between hay and straw – hay being grass is greener, and straw is well, straw colored.

Will the bales be one layer high (18")?

Hay vs. straw is unknown at this time, but I’m betting on straw. We’ll find out when we go to buy the stuff!

Yes, it will be only one layer high. We want to minimize the amount of bales we need to find a home for after the race.

As we are investigating putting together a practice field at the Pikes Peak Makerspace, we are thinking of alternatives to the hay for the field outline. Some thoughts have been wood, hay-printed posters, use of pallets or burlap sacks. Has anyone else pulled together a ‘field’ and what did you use?

We put a test track together last year. It was made of apple boxes from the grocery store (a lot of boxes). It worked OK. It required too much engineering to keep the boxes up during the slightest breeze.

They have continuously used hay. Surprisingly , hay is usually cheaper. They had the bails laying down last year (upright years before)…

Track will be on dirt (mud with a little rain :slight_smile: this year.