Currently working with 2 ZED-F9P RTK GPS Modules and 2 LoRa Thing Plus Explorable boards. I’m using one as a base station and the other as a client. My hope is to send the RTCM data over the radio to be sent over I2C to the second GPS unit but I’m having a few issues. I’m able to send data and receive it over the radio just fine but I believe something in my approach must be incorrect as when I look to see if the correction data is being received on U-Center I don’t see it anywhere and the module never enters RTK mode. A couple of times in the testing process I did see something show up as ‘Text Communication’ but that didn’t seem to mean much. My current idea is to collect all the bytes in a single RTCM message and then send that over the radio in the form of a byte array. This part seems to work as intended but the GPS module doesn’t seem to know what it is. My code for the base station is
#include <Wire.h> //Needed for I2C to GNSS
#include <RadioLib.h>
#include <SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_v3.h> //http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_v3
//#define SERIAL_OUTPUT // Uncomment this line to push the RTCM data to a Serial port
SX1262 radio = new Module(D36, D40, D44, D39, SPI1);
void setup()
while (!Serial); //Wait for user to open terminal
Serial.println(F("u-blox Base Station example"));
int state = radio.begin(915.0, 250.0, 7, 5, 0x34, 20, 10, 0, false);
if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) {
} else {
Serial.print(F("failed, code "));
while (true);
// If our board supports it, we can output the RTCM data automatically on (e.g.) Serial1
Wire.setClock(400000); //Increase I2C clock speed to 400kHz
if (myGNSS.begin() == false) //Connect to the u-blox module using Wire port
Serial.println(F("u-blox GNSS not detected at default I2C address. Please check wiring. Freezing."));
while (1);
// Uncomment the next line if you want to reset your module back to the default settings with 1Hz navigation rate
//myGNSS.factoryDefault(); delay(5000);
myGNSS.setI2COutput(COM_TYPE_UBX | COM_TYPE_NMEA | COM_TYPE_RTCM3); // Ensure RTCM3 is enabled
myGNSS.saveConfigSelective(VAL_CFG_SUBSEC_IOPORT); //Save the communications port settings to flash and BBR
while (Serial.available()); //Clear any latent chars in serial buffer
Serial.println(F("Press any key to begin Survey-In"));
while (Serial.available() == 0) ; //Wait for user to press a key
bool response = myGNSS.newCfgValset(); // Create a new Configuration Item VALSET message
response &= myGNSS.addCfgValset(UBLOX_CFG_MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1005_I2C, 1); //Enable message 1005 to output through I2C port, message every second
response &= myGNSS.addCfgValset(UBLOX_CFG_MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1074_I2C, 1);
response &= myGNSS.addCfgValset(UBLOX_CFG_MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1084_I2C, 1);
response &= myGNSS.addCfgValset(UBLOX_CFG_MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1094_I2C, 1);
response &= myGNSS.addCfgValset(UBLOX_CFG_MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1124_I2C, 1);
response &= myGNSS.addCfgValset(UBLOX_CFG_MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1230_I2C, 10); // Enable message 1230 every 10 seconds
response &= myGNSS.sendCfgValset(); // Send the VALSET
// Use _UART1 for the above six messages to direct RTCM messages out UART1
// _UART2, _USB and _SPI are also available
// For example: response &= myGNSS.addCfgValset(UBLOX_CFG_MSGOUT_RTCM_3X_TYPE1005_UART1, 1);
if (response == true)
Serial.println(F("RTCM messages enabled"));
Serial.println(F("RTCM failed to enable. Are you sure you have an ZED-F9P?"));
while (1); //Freeze
//Check if Survey is in Progress before initiating one
// From v2.0, the data from getSurveyStatus (UBX-NAV-SVIN) is returned in UBX_NAV_SVIN_t packetUBXNAVSVIN
// Please see u-blox_structs.h for the full definition of UBX_NAV_SVIN_t
// You can either read the data from packetUBXNAVSVIN directly
// or can use the helper functions: getSurveyInActive; getSurveyInValid; getSurveyInObservationTime; and getSurveyInMeanAccuracy
response = myGNSS.getSurveyStatus(2000); //Query module for SVIN status with 2000ms timeout (request can take a long time)
if (response == false) // Check if fresh data was received
Serial.println(F("Failed to get Survey In status"));
while (1); //Freeze
if (myGNSS.getSurveyInActive() == true) // Use the helper function
//if (myGNSS.packetUBXNAVSVIN-> > 0) // Or we could read active directly
Serial.print(F("Survey already in progress."));
//Start survey - define the minimum observationTime and requiredAccuracy
uint32_t observationTime = 60; float requiredAccuracy = 5.0; // 60 seconds, 5.0m
//uint32_t observationTime = 300; float requiredAccuracy = 2.0; // 300 seconds, 2.0m
//uint32_t observationTime = 86400; float requiredAccuracy = 2.0; // 24 hours, 2.0m
response = myGNSS.enableSurveyModeFull(observationTime, requiredAccuracy, VAL_LAYER_RAM); //Enable Survey in. Save setting in RAM layer only (not BBR)
if (response == false)
Serial.println(F("Survey start failed. Freezing..."));
while (1);
Serial.println(F("Survey started."));
Serial.print(F("This will run until "));
Serial.print(F("s have passed _and_ better than "));
Serial.print(requiredAccuracy, 2);
Serial.println(F("m accuracy is achieved."));
while(Serial.available()); //Clear buffer
//Begin waiting for survey to complete
while (myGNSS.getSurveyInValid() == false) // Call the helper function
//while (myGNSS.packetUBXNAVSVIN->data.valid == 0) // Or we could read valid directly
byte incoming =;
if(incoming == 'x')
//Stop survey mode
response = myGNSS.disableSurveyMode(); //Disable survey
Serial.println(F("Survey stopped"));
// From v2.0, the data from getSurveyStatus (UBX-NAV-SVIN) is returned in UBX_NAV_SVIN_t packetUBXNAVSVIN
// Please see u-blox_structs.h for the full definition of UBX_NAV_SVIN_t
// You can either read the data from packetUBXNAVSVIN directly
// or can use the helper functions: getSurveyInActive; getSurveyInValid; getSurveyInObservationTime; getSurveyInObservationTimeFull; and getSurveyInMeanAccuracy
response = myGNSS.getSurveyStatus(2000); //Query module for SVIN status with 2000ms timeout (req can take a long time)
if (response == true) // Check if fresh data was received
Serial.print(F("\r\n\r\nPress x to end survey - "));
Serial.print(F("Time elapsed: "));
Serial.print((String)myGNSS.getSurveyInObservationTimeFull()); // Call the helper function
Serial.print(F(" ("));
Serial.print((String)myGNSS.packetUBXNAVSVIN->data.dur); // Read the survey-in duration directly from packetUBXNAVSVIN
Serial.print(F(") Accuracy: "));
Serial.print(myGNSS.getSurveyInMeanAccuracy()); // Call the helper function
Serial.print(F(" ("));
// Read the mean accuracy directly from packetUBXNAVSVIN and manually convert from mm*0.1 to m
float meanAcc = ((float)myGNSS.packetUBXNAVSVIN->data.meanAcc) / 10000.0;
Serial.println(F("\r\nSVIN request failed"));
Serial.println(F("\r\nSurvey valid!"));
Serial.println(F("Base survey complete! RTCM now broadcasting."));
myGNSS.setI2COutput(COM_TYPE_UBX | COM_TYPE_RTCM3); //Set the I2C port to output UBX and RTCM sentences (not really an option, turns on NMEA as well)
void loop()
myGNSS.checkUblox(); //See if new data is available. Process bytes as they come in.
delay(250); //Don't pound too hard on the I2C bus
//This function gets called from the SparkFun u-blox Arduino Library.
//As each RTCM byte comes in you can specify what to do with it
//Useful for passing the RTCM correction data to a radio, Ntrip broadcaster, etc.
#define RTCM_DATA_SIZE 256 // Define the size of the RTCM data array
#define PREAMBLE_BYTE 0xD3
uint8_t rtcData[RTCM_DATA_SIZE]; // Create a byte array to store the RTCM data
static uint16_t byteCounter = 0; // Counter to keep track of the received bytes
void DevUBLOXGNSS::processRTCM(uint8_t incoming)
if (incoming == PREAMBLE_BYTE) {
// Received the start of a new RTCM message
if (byteCounter > 0) {
// If there was data from the previous message, transmit it
int state = radio.transmit(rtcData, byteCounter);
if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) {
Serial.println(" byte RTCM Data Sent");
else {
Serial.print(F("Failed to send RTCM data, error code: "));
// Reset the byteCounter for the new message
byteCounter = 0;
if (byteCounter < RTCM_DATA_SIZE) {
rtcData[byteCounter] = incoming; // Store incoming byte in the array
rtcData[byteCounter] = incoming;
if (byteCounter == RTCM_DATA_SIZE) {
// If there was data from the previous message, transmit it
int state = radio.transmit(rtcData, RTCM_DATA_SIZE);
if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) {
Serial.println(" byte RTCM Data Sent");
else {
Serial.print(F("Failed to send RTCM data, error code: "));
byteCounter = 0;
// Reset the byteCounter for the new message
and my code for the receiver is
#include <Wire.h> //Needed for I2C to GNSS
#include <RadioLib.h>
#include <SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_v3.h> //http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_v3
SX1262 radio = new Module(D36, D40, D44, D39, SPI1);
void printPVTdata(UBX_NAV_PVT_data_t *ubxDataStruct)
double latitude = ubxDataStruct->lat; // Print the latitude
Serial.print(F("Lat: "));
Serial.print(latitude / 10000000.0, 7);
double longitude = ubxDataStruct->lon; // Print the longitude
Serial.print(F(" Long: "));
Serial.print(longitude / 10000000.0, 7);
double altitude = ubxDataStruct->hMSL; // Print the height above mean sea level
Serial.print(F(" Height: "));
Serial.print(altitude / 1000.0, 3);
uint8_t fixType = ubxDataStruct->fixType; // Print the fix type
Serial.print(F(" Fix: "));
if (fixType == 0)
Serial.print(F(" (None)"));
else if (fixType == 1)
Serial.print(F(" (Dead Reckoning)"));
else if (fixType == 2)
Serial.print(F(" (2D)"));
else if (fixType == 3)
Serial.print(F(" (3D)"));
else if (fixType == 3)
Serial.print(F(" (GNSS + Dead Reckoning)"));
else if (fixType == 5)
Serial.print(F(" (Time Only)"));
Serial.print(F(" (UNKNOWN)"));
uint8_t carrSoln = ubxDataStruct->flags.bits.carrSoln; // Print the carrier solution
Serial.print(F(" Carrier Solution: "));
if (carrSoln == 0)
Serial.print(F(" (None)"));
else if (carrSoln == 1)
Serial.print(F(" (Floating)"));
else if (carrSoln == 2)
Serial.print(F(" (Fixed)"));
Serial.print(F(" (UNKNOWN)"));
uint32_t hAcc = ubxDataStruct->hAcc; // Print the horizontal accuracy estimate
Serial.print(F(" Horizontal Accuracy Estimate: "));
Serial.print(F(" (mm)"));
void printRTCMdata1005(RTCM_1005_data_t *rtcmData1005)
double x = rtcmData1005->AntennaReferencePointECEFX;
x /= 10000.0; // Convert to m
double y = rtcmData1005->AntennaReferencePointECEFY;
y /= 10000.0; // Convert to m
double z = rtcmData1005->AntennaReferencePointECEFZ;
z /= 10000.0; // Convert to m
Serial.print(F("NTRIP Server RTCM 1005: ARP ECEF-X: "));
Serial.print(x, 4); // 4 decimal places
Serial.print(F(" Y: "));
Serial.print(y, 4); // 4 decimal places
Serial.print(F(" Z: "));
Serial.println(z, 4); // 4 decimal places
// Callback: printRTCMdata1006 will be called when new RTCM 1006 data has been parsed from pushRawData
// See u-blox_structs.h for the full definition of RTCM_1006_data_t
// _____ You can use any name you like for the callback. Use the same name when you call setRTCM1006InputcallbackPtr
// / _____ This _must_ be RTCM_1006_data_t
// | / _____ You can use any name you like for the struct
// | | /
// | | |
void printRTCMdata1006(RTCM_1006_data_t *rtcmData1006)
double x = rtcmData1006->AntennaReferencePointECEFX;
x /= 10000.0; // Convert to m
double y = rtcmData1006->AntennaReferencePointECEFY;
y /= 10000.0; // Convert to m
double z = rtcmData1006->AntennaReferencePointECEFZ;
z /= 10000.0; // Convert to m
double h = rtcmData1006->AntennaHeight;
h /= 10000.0; // Convert to m
Serial.print(F("NTRIP Server RTCM 1006: ARP ECEF-X: "));
Serial.print(x, 4); // 4 decimal places
Serial.print(F(" Y: "));
Serial.print(y, 4); // 4 decimal places
Serial.print(F(" Z: "));
Serial.print(z, 4); // 4 decimal places
Serial.print(F(" Height: "));
Serial.println(h, 4); // 4 decimal places
void setup()
Serial.println(F("SparkFun u-blox GNSS example"));
int state = radio.begin(915.0, 250.0, 7, 5, 0x34, 20, 10, 0, false);
if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) {
} else {
Serial.print(F("failed, code "));
while (true);
//myGNSS.enableDebugging(Serial); // Uncomment this line to enable debug messages
if (myGNSS.begin() == false) //Connect to the u-blox module using Wire port
Serial.println(F("u-blox GNSS not detected at default I2C address. Please check wiring. Freezing."));
while (1)
// Check that this platform supports 64-bit (8 byte) double
if (sizeof(double) < 8)
Serial.println(F("Warning! Your platform does not support 64-bit double."));
Serial.println(F("The latitude and longitude will be inaccurate."));
myGNSS.setI2COutput(COM_TYPE_UBX); //Set the I2C port to output UBX only (turn off NMEA noise)
myGNSS.setNavigationFrequency(1); //Set output to 5 times a second. Change the RAM layer only.
byte rate;
if (myGNSS.getNavigationFrequency(&rate)) //Get the update rate of this module
Serial.print("Current update rate: ");
Serial.println(F("getNavigationFrequency failed!"));
myGNSS.setRTCM1005InputcallbackPtr(&printRTCMdata1005); // Set up a callback to print the RTCM 1005 Antenna Reference Position from the correction data
#define RTCM_DATA_SIZE 512*4
void loop()
myGNSS.checkUblox(); // Check for the arrival of new GNSS data and process it.
myGNSS.checkCallbacks(); // Check if any GNSS callbacks are waiting to be processed.
// Create a byte array to store the RTCM data
int state = radio.startReceive(RADIOLIB_SX126X_RX_TIMEOUT_NONE);
if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) {
int numBytes = radio.getPacketLength();
if (numBytes !=0){
uint8_t rtcData[numBytes];
int state = radio.readData(rtcData, numBytes);
if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) {
myGNSS.pushRawData(((uint8_t *)&rtcData), numBytes,false);
//Serial.println("RTCM Data Recieved");
int state = radio.receive(rtcData,RTCM_DATA_SIZE); // Receive data into the byte array
myGNSS.pushRawData(rtcData, RTCM_DATA_SIZE,false);
// Data received successfully
// Push the RTCM data to the GNSS module
//Query module. The module only responds when a new position is available.
// getHighResLatitude: returns the latitude from HPPOSLLH as an int32_t in degrees * 10^-7
// getHighResLatitudeHp: returns the high resolution component of latitude from HPPOSLLH as an int8_t in degrees * 10^-9
// getHighResLongitude: returns the longitude from HPPOSLLH as an int32_t in degrees * 10^-7
// getHighResLongitudeHp: returns the high resolution component of longitude from HPPOSLLH as an int8_t in degrees * 10^-9
// getElipsoid: returns the height above ellipsoid as an int32_t in mm
// getElipsoidHp: returns the high resolution component of the height above ellipsoid as an int8_t in mm * 10^-1
// getMeanSeaLevel: returns the height above mean sea level as an int32_t in mm
// getMeanSeaLevelHp: returns the high resolution component of the height above mean sea level as an int8_t in mm * 10^-1
// getHorizontalAccuracy: returns the horizontal accuracy estimate from HPPOSLLH as an uint32_t in mm * 10^-1
// First, let's collect the position data
int32_t latitude = myGNSS.getHighResLatitude();
int8_t latitudeHp = myGNSS.getHighResLatitudeHp();
int32_t longitude = myGNSS.getHighResLongitude();
int8_t longitudeHp = myGNSS.getHighResLongitudeHp();
int32_t ellipsoid = myGNSS.getElipsoid();
int8_t ellipsoidHp = myGNSS.getElipsoidHp();
int32_t msl = myGNSS.getMeanSeaLevel();
int8_t mslHp = myGNSS.getMeanSeaLevelHp();
uint32_t accuracy = myGNSS.getHorizontalAccuracy();
// Defines storage for the lat and lon as double
double d_lat; // latitude
double d_lon; // longitude
// Assemble the high precision latitude and longitude
d_lat = ((double)latitude) / 10000000.0; // Convert latitude from degrees * 10^-7 to degrees
d_lat += ((double)latitudeHp) / 1000000000.0; // Now add the high resolution component (degrees * 10^-9 )
d_lon = ((double)longitude) / 10000000.0; // Convert longitude from degrees * 10^-7 to degrees
d_lon += ((double)longitudeHp) / 1000000000.0; // Now add the high resolution component (degrees * 10^-9 )
// Print the lat and lon
Serial.print("Lat (deg): ");
Serial.print(d_lat, 9);
Serial.print(", Lon (deg): ");
Serial.print(d_lon, 9);
// Now define float storage for the heights and accuracy
float f_ellipsoid;
float f_msl;
float f_accuracy;
// Calculate the height above ellipsoid in mm * 10^-1
f_ellipsoid = (ellipsoid * 10) + ellipsoidHp;
// Now convert to m
f_ellipsoid = f_ellipsoid / 10000.0; // Convert from mm * 10^-1 to m
// Calculate the height above mean sea level in mm * 10^-1
f_msl = (msl * 10) + mslHp;
// Now convert to m
f_msl = f_msl / 10000.0; // Convert from mm * 10^-1 to m
// Convert the horizontal accuracy (mm * 10^-1) to a float
f_accuracy = accuracy;
// Now convert to m
f_accuracy = f_accuracy / 10000.0; // Convert from mm * 10^-1 to m
// Finally, do the printing
Serial.print(", Ellipsoid (m): ");
Serial.print(f_ellipsoid, 4); // Print the ellipsoid with 4 decimal places
Serial.print(", Mean Sea Level (m): ");
Serial.print(f_msl, 4); // Print the mean sea level with 4 decimal places
Serial.print(", Accuracy (m): ");
Serial.println(f_accuracy, 4); // Print the accuracy with 4 decimal places
If anyone has any idea as to what’s going wrong here it would be much appreciated.