I’m new to the world of ARM. The last projects I did were based on the Atmel AVRs. For my next project I decided to go the “ARM way”
So I ordered a Olimex ARM-USB-OCD + SAM7-EX-256 eval-board.
Unfortunatly I have some problems to get it work. I tried to contact Olimex, but they seem to be on vacation until Aug 31st
So maybe somebody else here can help me
The installation of the driver finished with a tooltip in the taskbar telling (in german…) "While installing the hardware there was an error - Hardware device my not work "
If I open my hardware manager the ARM USB OCD is shown as a USB combination device with an excalamtion mark on yellow, telling drivers are not installed properly
My system is Windows XPpro, SP2 (german)
2.) can somenody provide any sources or examples (blinking LED etc.) for the SAM7-EX 256 so I can verify my toolchain?
The board is shipped without any examples The ARM-USB-OCD is shipped with “WinARM for Dummies”, but without anything for this board
hopefully Michael Fischer gets to read this. AFAIK he already has a ARM-USB-OCD and the software Olimex provides, and as he’s quite experience with the OpenOCD and FT2232 based JTAG devices he might be able to help you.
The error while installing the driver is fatal - you’ll have to sort this out before the ARM-USB-OCD can work with the OpenOCD.
Ok, meanwhile the 1st problem is solved - shame on me: my USB cable was too long… while connecting another USB2 device I suddenly remembered something about USB cable length…
90% of hardware errors are soldering and broken cables… In this case 10% user error
I’ve received an ARM-USB-OCD and the SAM7-EX256 from Olimex today (btw.: Tsvetan, thanks a lot for supporting the OpenOCD).
I’ve added support for the ARM-USB-OCD to the current code (SVN HEAD), and had no problems connecting to the board using the ARM-USB-OCD. Until Michael finds time to create a new OpenOCD Windows installer you’ll have to compile it yourself from the sources. Feel free to ask if you need help, but be prepared to install Cygwin if you don’t have it already.
I hope to be able to play a bit with the board in the next few days. If I manage to produce anything useful, I’ll let you know