Trouble with Nordic FOB code on ATTiny

I’m using a Nordic FOB and have a working receiver on an Arduino running this:

I need some other non-FOB transceivers and hoped to use the FOB code as a base. I’m able to send a signal properly when I run it on an ATmega328P, but something isn’t working when I try to run it on an ATtiny24 or ATtiny85.

I have a logic analyzer and I’ve decoded the SPI at the radio to see what’s happening. Run on an ATmega328P, here’s the start of the init sequence:

1.080406125,MOSI Data, 0x20

1.080406125,MISO Data, 0x2E

1.0890839375,MOSI Data, 0x78

1.0890839375,MISO Data, 0x00

1.0977645,MOSI Data, 0x21

1.0977645,MISO Data, 0x2E

1.1064423125,MOSI Data, 0x00

1.1064423125,MISO Data, 0x00

Run on an ATtiny, here’s what it looks like:

0.11183825,MOSI Data, 0x20

0.11183825,MISO Data, 0x0E

0.114049375,MOSI Data, 0x78

0.114049375,MISO Data, 0x00

0.116308125,MOSI Data, 0x21

0.116308125,MISO Data, 0x0E

0.11851875,MOSI Data, 0x00

0.11851875,MISO Data, 0x00

Note the status returned on the MISO for these commands is 2E,00 when it’s working and 0E,00 when it’s not. This happens for all subsequent commands as well. I have verified that my radios are working properly.

I don’t know if I’m reading Page 26 of the nRF24L01 datasheet correctly, but I think the 2 indicates the RX_FIFO interrupt is triggering? I’m looking for any pointers that might help me debug this. Thanks!