:lol: Not the longest thing! I send up to 49 Bytes. Each Hex value you see in the code is one Byte. The transmitting is like this, that a Hex value is 8 Bit and the controller give to the 8 Bit additionally one start Bit and one stop Bit.
extreme thanx a lot brother. but i wanna know what to do initially. like i am programming my microcontroller to send and receive strings via interrupt which is almost finished. itz mpc565 ( Powerpc) and then would like to replace the hyperterminal with this touchscreen display. now which steps should i follow in this case from the beginning. ( coz i am only familier with making small buttons in display and burning it inside the display)
My coding is in C language. and i am using rs232 to transmit strings.
now which steps ( from the core basics) do i need to follow to get some initial things working in this display.
like say for example i press a button in display and the LED of the microcontroller would glow or something like that say for example i make a button of blinky 5 then it glows the LED of the controller for 5 times. and so on. but all in C language. plz help me up bro for the initial basics.