Two Mate Silvers locked up after simple settings changes in cmd mode

Hi, I have six Silver Mates I just bought a week or so ago. I am connecting them to an arduino mega on Serial1, although I’ve tried Serial2, Serial3, and an Arduino Pro Mini - they both WERE working fine, but I have tried experimenting with them by getting into command mode $$$ and changing things. I have done so carefully and have not issued commands that would brick the unit (or so I believe).

They were working fine and then stopped working fine. The behavior is that they go into blinking at 2 times per second instead of 1 or 10 (data mode or command mode) and they no longer respond to just about anything. The first one worked fine for a while, going in and out of command mode, and then nothing. The second worked for a while as well, and then it happened to this one.

I have tried factory resetting them by soldering a wire to the GPIO4 and then following the procedure with the toggle 3 times etc. and I’ve tried that 20 times each and IT DOES NOT WORK.

What has happened to my modules? I can’t afford for this to happen to the others. Blinking twice per second is labeled as “not in config mode but still timing down.” WHAT does that mean? If it’s not in config mode, what mode is it in? It’s not in data mode because it doesn’t accept $$$ any longer.


I have resolved this issue. I actually don’t understand what happened, but, both chips have gone back to the factory settings EXCEPT that they for some reason retained their baud rate of 9600 baud instead of what I thought the default was of 115,200. Very odd.

Thank you. I would not have posted this topic at all if I hadn’t had the first unit go south several days ago and I put a whole day into trying to get it to come back to life. I’m a bit shocked I got it to work right now by trying 9600 baud.