How can i copy a part from schematic in one file to another different schematic file? Same for .brd files - i.e a part of board layout - is it possible in eagle?
I see one can export a list of all parts used in schematic, but is it possible to have something like:
resistor 1k x5
resistor 5k x2
as opposed to
resistor 1k
resistor 1k
resistor 1k
resistor 5k
i.e can it group same parts and just give quantity?
Eagle’s Cut/Copy/Paste commands don’t follow the typical Windows cut & paste idea very well. To copy from one board/schematic to another, you actually need to use the Cut command. Use the Group tool to select the parts, nets, wires, etc. that you want to copy. Then hit Cut (the scissors button). Switch to the destination board/schematic and hit Paste (the glue-looking button). You’ll be able to place the stuff where you want it.
If you’re pasting to a board and you have the respective schematic open, you’ll probably get a ‘Cannot backannotate’ error. If you close the schematic, you can paste onto the board, but you will lose consistancy between the board and schematic (which is a serious pain). It is possible to work around this, but it’s more work than it’s worth, IMHO. Copying and pasting to a schematic is much easier.