Unable to debug <Yagarto- eclipse, STR7Test, openocd>

Hi there.

I am trying out a tutorial on


Except from using STR7Test in stead of Eternut3Test everything is more or less identical. In my step by step tutorial I have got everything to work exacly as predicted until I was going to debug the project.

I am using a hitex STR7 evaluation board,

the jumpers are set to <boot_en - en> <boot_0 - dis> and <boot_1 - en>.

(That is the settings for a ram project).

The startup commands look like this:

target remote localhost:3333

monitor reset

monitor sleep 500

monitor poll

monitor soft_reset_halt

monitor arm7_9 sw_bkpts enable

monitor mww 0xA0000050 0x01c2

monitor mdw 0xA0000050

break main



But the program is been suspended with the following errormessage: Execution is suspended because of error.

The program is not being run.

What can be cause of this, why is not my program been run?


Hello Raymond,

I have made the test with the following settings:

BOOT_EN - enabled

BOOt_0 - disabled

BOOT_1 - disabled

Have you try to debug with Insight first?

Which JTAG debugger you use?



Hi Michael.

I took the project home and started all over again on a different computer and it works. Both insight and eclipse.

I really don’t know what the problem was but I was struggling with it for a whole working day. Home I used less than one hour and it works. propably a typo or the jumpers were wrong?!? I don’t know.

This is a really cool thing Michael :slight_smile:

Now the only thing I have to do is to dig down in the material and learn the consept of using eclipse, openocd, and the gnu tools for ARM processors.

Do you know any links, books or any other information that can lead me on the right way?

Thanks for your help, this great tutorial you have here and for taking the time you have spend making the installation of the tools. For a newbie on ARM like me, thoose things are invaluable.


Hello Raymond,

take a look here:


It is a tutorial from James Lynch, very detailed.

In the moment it is based on the GNUARM (Cygwin),

but I have seen a draft for YAGARTO too :smiley:

Perhaps this will lead you in the right way.



Hi Raymond.

If you’d like a sneak peek at the draft of my new tutorial for the Atmel site, download it from here. Just be aware that it’s a draft.



Jim Lynch

Thanks to you both.

I got it to work on my workpc today as well.
