unable to operly boot SAM9-L9260


I am using a SAM9-L9260. I tried to boot it using the procedure described under:

SOFTWARE development with SAM9-L9260:


The board comes with Linux preloaded in the NAND flash. It’s based on a

custom-built kernel and a Debian 4.0 userland. To use it, connect a nullmodem

cable to the board and to a serial port on your computer, start a

terminal program (e.g. HyperTerminal on Windows, minicom on Unix

systems) and configure it to use a 115200 baud rate, 8 data bist, 1 stop bit

and no parity and no flow control. Then apply power to the board (use a

5VDC regulated power supply with at least 500mA output current) and

you should see the board start-up messages.

The only thing I get on the HyperTerminal is “>romBOOT”

What am i doing wrong?