Updated nRF24L01 include library

There is a new version of this software. It is considerably easier to use and implement for nearly any microcontroller. Please see this post: viewtopic.php?t=6855

Hey guys. After working with my 24L01’s again, I have made a lot of revisions to my include library. I made it clear the user-written functions that are needed for SPI and delay, and I also implemented a large number of new functions. I also fixed a couple of bad #defines I had in the old header file. Feel free to use them and give me feedback.

[nrf24l01.h, [nrf24l01.c](http://filebox.vt.edu/users/stball1/code/nrf24l01.c)](http://filebox.vt.edu/users/stball1/code/nrf24l01.h)

In your nrf24l01.h file , there is an include statement:

#include “lpc214x.h”

Is this a compiler include file? If not how can I download it?

Thank you.


This is the include file for my specific processor. It contains all the defines for the registers on the processor. Therefore, change this include file to whatever include file you have for your processor’s registers. Alternatively, you can try to just comment out or remove the statement once you change your other defines and see if it compiles. If the compiler still says you’re missing definitions, then you will have to try including your processor’s include file.

hello,i’m new here…is there anyone who did nrf24l01 based on PIC microC?

To my knowledge no. Although I can’t imagine that this code wouldn’t work with your compiler as long as you set up your #defines correctly in the .h file. Let me know if you have any questions if your compiler complains or the code doesn’t work.