Urgent: Aurdino - Midi Problem

Hi guys i was hoping you could help us out, we have a project which uses LDR’s on a set of gloves to controll midi. Its mostly working, we have the aurdino sending what we think are the right messages to serial when we trigger the LDR’s but hairless isnt interpreting the MIDI messages properly, instead its sending out a tone of random messages. I was hoping you guys could help us with what we’re doing wrong, Its part of a University project and any help would be greatly appreciated, heres the code:

#include <MIDI.h>
#include <midi_Defs.h>
#include <midi_Namespace.h>
#include <midi_Settings.h>

/* Codeist , Midi Gloves and Shoes, 

Callan Marchetti , Sam Cocks , Conor Matheson */

/*This code sends MIDI messages using electrical pulses from FSRs (Force Sensitive Resistors) placed in the toes of shoes and also a resistance change using LDR's in a pair of gloves
It has been adapted from code by Thobson 'Midi Shoes'

                 // when the upper threshold is passed a hit is trigered and when the value sinks below the lower threshold another hit is triggered. "HYSTERESIS" makes sure multiple hits arent triggered
#define TOETHRESHOLD 350
#define LOWERTOETHRESHOLD 101   // We're setting both a lower and an upper threshold for the FSRs, so that they will only trigger a MIDI message when we actually want them too.

#define LHPOINTPIN 0
#define LHMIDPIN 1
#define LHRINGPIN 2
#define LHPINKYPIN 3 
#define RHPINKYPIN 4
#define RHRINGPIN 5   
#define RHMIDPIN 6
#define RHPOINTPIN 7
#define TOE1PIN 8
#define TOE2PIN 9
#define  midichannel	0; 

// Define which analog in pins on the arduino we'll be using

int pinNote[10] = {78,65,88,59,41,42,46,49,73,57};      // This array stores the different MIDI notes that each pin is assigned , do we need this?

boolean lhpoint = false;
boolean lhmid = false;
boolean lhring = false;
boolean lhpinky = false;
boolean rhpinky = false;
boolean rhring = false;
boolean rhmid = false;
boolean rhpoint = false;
boolean toe1 = false;
boolean toe2 = false;                      //These variables will help us to make sure we don't send multiple MIDI messages per single hit        

void setup() {
}                    // We'll send debugging information to the Serial monitor

void loop(void) {                                                                                                                  // This is the main function that executes all the others.

        lhpoint = sender((analogRead(LHPOINTPIN)+0), pinNote[LHPOINTPIN], lhpoint, FINGERTHRESHOLD, LOWERFINGERTHRESHGHOLD);
        lhmid = sender((analogRead(LHMIDPIN)+0), pinNote[LHMIDPIN], lhmid, FINGERTHRESHOLD, LOWERFINGERTHRESHGHOLD); 
        lhring = sender((analogRead(LHRINGPIN)+0), pinNote[LHRINGPIN], lhring, FINGERTHRESHOLD, LOWERFINGERTHRESHGHOLD);
        lhpinky = sender((analogRead(LHPINKYPIN)+0), pinNote[LHPINKYPIN], lhpinky, FINGERTHRESHOLD, LOWERFINGERTHRESHGHOLD);   
        rhpinky = sender((analogRead(RHPINKYPIN)+0), pinNote[RHPINKYPIN], rhpinky, FINGERTHRESHOLD, LOWERFINGERTHRESHGHOLD);
        rhring = sender((analogRead(RHRINGPIN)+0), pinNote[RHRINGPIN], rhring, FINGERTHRESHOLD, LOWERFINGERTHRESHGHOLD);  
        rhmid = sender((analogRead(RHMIDPIN)+0), pinNote[RHMIDPIN], rhmid, FINGERTHRESHOLD, LOWERFINGERTHRESHGHOLD);
        rhpoint = sender((analogRead(RHPOINTPIN)+0), pinNote[RHPOINTPIN], rhpoint, FINGERTHRESHOLD, LOWERFINGERTHRESHGHOLD);  
        toe1 = sender((analogRead(TOE1PIN)+0), pinNote[TOE1PIN], toe1, TOETHRESHOLD, LOWERTOETHRESHOLD);
        toe2 = sender((analogRead(TOE2PIN)+0), pinNote[TOE2PIN], toe2, TOETHRESHOLD, LOWERTOETHRESHOLD);  

void midimsg(unsigned char message, unsigned char pitch, unsigned char velocity) {    // This function sends a MIDI message with a message, pitch, and velocity

boolean sender(int reading, int note, boolean press, int threshold, int lowerthreshold ) {   // This function is what does all the work
  if(reading <= threshold) {                                                                                      // If the user stomps harder than a certain threshold...
    if(!press) {                                                                                                  // and if the sensor is not already in 'pressed' mode...
        reading = reading/20 - 1;                                                                                  // convert the FSR reading to a MIDI-friendly value     
	midimsg(144, note, 128);                                                                              // Send a MIDI message
	                                                                                      // Send a unique debug message to the Serial monitor
     }  press = true;                                                                                             // The sensor is now in 'pressed' mode,
   } else if(reading >= lowerthreshold) {                                                                         // once the applied force sinks below the lower threshold...
        press = false;                                                                                    // the sensor is no longer in 'pressed' mode
   return press;




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Hi callan,

At first glance, see already on thing that is wrong with the code :

you send midimsg(144, note, 128); to trigger a note

velocity = 128 = 0x80 in hex, this is too high and will be interpret by midi as note off status command, instead of a velocity.

The maximum allowable is velocity is 0x7F, this is 127 in decimal.

midimsg(144, note, 128);

also make sure note <= 127 or you will have the same problem there.

It could cause some side effects too, depending on the combination.

