USB Memory stick GPS data logger

It’d be cool to see a next-generation SFE GPS datalogger with a form factor similar to USB memory dongles (say the size of an iPod shuffle). ET301 based, recharges it’s LiPoly battery from USB port, from which data can also be read. Say, 256-512MB memory on board. Logic all glued together with the same LPC2138 ARM used in the current datalogger.

dang! You want fries with that?

Ha ha! Yes, maybe I was a little too specific in my suggestion, but the notion of a USB-rechargeable datalogger has a lot of appeal. Just stick it in the computer when you need to power up or retrieve data. Fun!

The size sounds unlikely - I don’t think any good quality GPS can even fit in that form factor.

I can, however see one the size of a hockey puck ;)]

–David Carne

or a credit card.

such a device is now commercially available.

Not quite as small as the IPod Shuffle.

right, but it’s only got 4MB memory. (Did I read that right? I didn’t think they MADE memory that small anymore).

Did someone know a software that can, calculate distance, provide driving reports? Most gps tracking device offer data report via secured website. You have to upload your data on a secure website to have your report. You must open an annual account for this service. Why this kind of software is not avalaible? It will be a good idea for geochron to have a software include with it.

The software must be compatible with geochron rmc nmea data from geochron.

The software must make report that include…

start location, date, time, distance, end location, date time.

calculate Total distance per day.

calculate Total distance per mount.

Must run stand alone on your pc.

Must have utility for tagging personnal/ buisness location on maps.

I’ve search a lot on the web and the geochron look to be the best data logger for this kind of applicatoin.

How about this one:

Logs 100,000 points, can view it on GoogleEarth, and also works as a Bluetooth GPS input. USB charging too. … ts_id=8836

Same footprint as a thumb drive but twice as thick, the only thing is that it requires a special USB cable (it is included but if you lose it…). So far, it seems decent but the software is a bit clunky. Can’t beat the size though. I put it on a high end RC Car to follow the path and check the top speeds (around 75mph…granted that’s without WAAS so accuracy is a somewhat relative)

Erm, this thread was nearly a year stale… :lol:

While I do realize that, that doesn’t mean that no one reads it…For that matter, I did. If it’s so old that one “shouldn’t post”, delete it, otherwise info is info. It would most likely help someone if they happened upon the topic, looking for a similar solution.