Use ST25dv with attiny85


how can I use the ST25dv with a Attiny85 and power it with the power harvesting. is this possible?

If you added a solar panel and some method of controlling the flux (capacitors, resistors) sure. You’d need to wire the tag reader to the relevant ATTiny pin #s using this guide as a scaffold … okup-guide and then wire the power side similar to this

The st25dv will supply the power from the nfc reader.

Does the attiny have enough memory for the library?

First, determine if the ST25DV can supply enough power to actually run the ATtiny, which in turn will depend on your reader. Let us know what you find.

In separate tests, determine how much code you can fit into the 85. That is independent of the power supply.

You might find this DIY AVR RFID project amusing: … rted-to-c/