Using 2012 XBee kit no data flowing

I have the Sparkfun XBee S1 Wireless kit (purchased about 2012!) comprising 2no S1 XBees, XBee Shield and 2 no Explorers (differing versions (v21 and 10-8-08) but identical pin setup).

I’m running Arduino IDE Version: 2.1.0.

see attachement XBee hardware setup.png

I have tested both XBee S1s using XCTU Version: 6.5.12, and have programmed them according to the Arduino Cookbook Edn 3 sketch 14.2 defining 1111 and 2222 with their associated DL, MY, Pan data…

see attachment XBee Settings 1111 and 2222.pdf

I have tested communication from my MacBookPro, OSX Catalina 10.15.7 and can send and recive between the two XBees using XCTU.

The shield - made distinctive by the diagonal text - predates the WRL-12847 ?

I have the UART/Software Serial Switch set to DLINE

The remote Explorer (hosting XBee 1111) is dated 10-8-08

I then installed several sketches: XBee_Serial_Passthrough.ino, XBee Echo sketch.ino, XBee_Remote_Control.ino, and all deliver no XCTU console or Arduino serial monitor output.

see attachment Remote XBee console.pdf

I have reset the sketch on the Arduino UNO Rev 3, to no avail but it flashes the remote XBee (dated 10-8-08) RSSI green led, and the PWR led is solid red.

The shield PWR led is solid red, and has a continually blinking DIO5 green led.

I swapped the remote XBee to Explorer dated v2, and on reset the RSSI led was inactive, with PWR on.

So I presume I’m missing something fundamental and seek your guidance


Remote XBee console.pdf (390 KB)

XBee Settings 1111 and 2222.pdf (639 KB)

Where are you getting your sketches from?