Hey all, over the past few days I’ve been trying to upload data from my arduino to a google form with the arduino Wifi Shield. I can do this directly from the computer by just typing this url into a web browser (or curl it from a terminal) ```
Hey all, over the past few days I’ve been trying to upload data from my arduino to a google form with the arduino Wifi Shield. I can do this directly from the computer by just typing this url into a web browser (or curl it from a terminal) ```
Hey all, over the past few days I’ve been trying to upload data from my arduino to a google form with the arduino Wifi Shield. I can do this directly from the computer by just typing this url into a web browser (or curl it from a terminal) ```
Arduino 5TE Sensor Data
Your first problem will be dealing with https?
Is arduino able to connect to https? Maybe thats been my problem. What I have tried so far is connecting the client to docs.google.com then running this:
client.println("GET /forms/d/1c0gzyIXkETkaHGN62b0BKmZ0iB4xwyxizh6pyWMKgso/formResponse?formkey=0ApzIQsGl6RoEdGVVdThrT2tyN2ZQZF82cHNfa1NFN3c&ifq&entry.860265578=1.01&entry.107732263=0&entry.1429283715=26.4&submit=Submit HTTP/1.1");
client.println("Connection: close");
But this doesn’t upload the data at all even though typing in the same url in a web browser uploads it fine.
Do a test of trying to read a text file from Google docs
How would I go about doing that? Sorry I really don’t have much of an idea of what is going on with all the code.
To anyone with the same problem, I finally got it working using Ilad’s solution here http://productforums.google.com/forum/# … 4hJKF1OQOw