Using Olimex ARM-USB-OCD with IAR compiler

Hi guys,

I recently bought an Olimex SAM7-EX256, and have been trying to run some of the sample code. It turns out the sample code I want to use (to drive the LCD) is written for the IAR compiler, so I can’t get it working with Eclipse/Yagarto.

I can get it to compile fine with IAR, but I can’t get it onto the chip. For some reason, the IAR IDE isn’t recognising my ARM-USB-OCD debugger. Is it actually possible to get them to work together, or would I have to shell out for an IAR one? That would suck.

Alternatively, anyone got any advice/tutorial links for porting IAR projects to Yagarto? I need to write a makefile, and get some IO libraries, for a start, it looks like quite a job.

Getting quite frustrated now.

