Using Photo Negative in-lieu Gerber files

I have 100’s of old project for magazines that supply a copper side board layout, I would like to get about 10 boards made but do not have Gerber files since that projects were made back in the 60’s / 70’s timeframe. My question is there any Mfg. that will make circuit boards (Single sided) with just the copper circles and traces, I can do my own drilling and plating.

By Robert

Thanks for the post.

I can’t think of anyone specifically. I would think that any company that is still around since back in those days who manufacture PCBs might know a way. Speaking to someone is a different story.

Maybe try your local hackerspace?

I’m not aware of a board house that can take photo negatives and convert them to a board for you but it’s possible someone might offer this service. There might also exist a way to scan photo negatives and convert those into gerber files a PCB manufacturer could use to make you a board but I would imagine there would be some trial and error to get it tuned to the point that it would work reliably.

If you’re feeling industrious, you could try making your boards by using toner transfer paper and a clothes iron or you could get PBCs that have a photo sensitive resist on them and you just lay a transparency with your design on it on top of the board and expose it to sunlight for a bit, then develop and etch the board.

Sparkfun had a tutorial that might get you started but there’s plenty of other sources that cover both methods. Might be cheaper to DIY than to have someone else make them for you.

  • [T³: Etching your own circuit boards
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    TS-John’s idea of contacting a hacker space is good, you’re likely to find someone there that could walk you through the process. :-)](T³: Etching your own circuit boards - News - SparkFun Electronics)