Using Qwiicc Serial Display on GPS-RTK-SMA and RPI

I am using a raspberry pi 4.

To use the serial lcd on the qwicc connector on the RTK SMA receiver board do I need to change the address of the display on where it communicates? It also looks like I cannot use I2C and will have to use serial? I am needing clarification in this area. So I can use python on my rpi to control and send the data to the serial display.

I have the GNSS board powered from the 40pin header and have serial enabled. On the GPIO pins on the RPI I am using pins 21 & 24 and 32 & 33 which connect over to pins 4 &5 and 7 &8 on the RTK SMA board for communication.

Is there methods from the qwiic ublox class I would use our do I need to configure it through the serial lcd class? Uart4 & uart5 are also enabled on my rpi.

Is there an option to run the Arduino libraries from the arduino IDE on RPI? Or would that just complicate things?

I have the sparkfun serial lcd connected to the qwicc connector on the receiver board for clarification. I have it so I’m base mode and want to start simple by just printing NMEA data and Number of satellites tracked on the display.

You can use i2c (qwiic) and UART at the same time on that board. You can run arduino from the Pi just fine

Example 4 in the F9P library had a demo for exactly this, see … no-library

Is the example 4 in the Arduino library that we can view on Github?