Using Simultaneous RFID Reader with Raspberry Pi Pico W


We (senior design project team) are currently trying to hook up the Sparkfun Simultaneous RFID Reader ( … 1711822224) to a Raspberry Pi Pico W ( … -pico.html). We have the reader working as expected with an Arduino, but need the Pico for communicating data from the reader to the internet. We connected the two via a bi-directional level logic converter to undo the 3.3–>5V conversion done on the reader board since the pico pins operate on 3.3V. The pico can read something from the board during setup, but its gibberish and terminates at various points throughout the process (varies randomly each time its initiated). Looking for potential ideas and solutions, we’ve tried adjusting the SW-HW switch on the reader board, changing the Pico UART and anything else we can think of but to no avail. We are using the RX/TX pins to communicate and have tried every combination of switching them around, but I believe it should be TX to TX and RX to RX (backwards from typical) using the labeling on the reader board. :expressionless:

The M6E RFID reader is very sensitive to a good power supply and the described behavior with gibberish and being un-responsiveness I have observed several times. A standard wall wart will not do the job, you need something with a strong capacitor to handle the peek and/or try to connect a charged LIPO.