Using the Qwiic Keypad on a breadboard with a Raspberry Pi

Hello, I’m a novice in need of some help.

I’m currently working on a project that involves the use of the 12-Button Qwiic Keypad (COM-15290)

So I bought this product by itself because I had intended to connect it to a breadboard, since I am using a Pi Wedge (BOB-13717) with my Raspberry Pi 4 Model B.

My issue is that I don’t know which pins on the Pi should be connected to the breakout holes on the keypad. … ton-03.jpg

The GND and 3.3V holes make sense, but I’m unsure of what pins the SDA, SCL, INT, and RST should go to.

I’ve tried looking into using this keypad for the Raspberry Pi, but most cases show its use with an Arduino, or don’t incorporate a breadboard, so I’m at a loss.


I wrote a circuit python library for the Sparkfun Qwiic Keypad. It’s available on github at


The github site include detailed install instructions and links to tutorials to get you started.

Basically you need to enable I2C in your raspberry pi, install the Circuit Python libraries, then install the Sparkfun_CIrcuitPython_QwiicKeypad library, and last hook up the keypad.

The only tricky part is putting the qwiic leads to the right pins for I2C. The tutorial and install instructions will walk you through all this.

Good luck to you,

Fourstix](GitHub - fourstix/Sparkfun_CircuitPython_QwiicKeypad: CircuitPython library for the Sparkfun Qwiic Keypad)

With fourstix’s comment, fantastic library by the way, you can use our Qwiic pHat ( or our Qwiic SHIM ( to connect using our Qwiic Ecosystem so you don’t need to worry about soldering.

Thanks for the help! So I’ve setup everything that fourstix had mentioned. However, after looking through everything, I’m still not sure which GPIO pins the INT and RST holes should be designated to.

Here’s my setup at the moment:


The CircuitPython library will work fine without /INT and /RST being connected. But if you want to use the interrupt line with Example 5 connect /INT to GPIO D6. I believe that pin is labeled as ‘G6’ in your picture.

Examples 1-4 don’t require the interrupt pin, and for those examples you can just leave it disconnected.

The Interrupt line is documented in the comments for Example 5: “For this example you will need to connect the INT pin on Qwiic to GPIO D6 on the Raspberry Pi.”

But It can be any other unused GPIO pin, you just need to change the example code to match it.

As for /RST you can just leave it disconnected. I don’t think any of the example code uses it.

Have a great day,


If you need those lines you can control them with digital logic with GPIO pins.