I guess, technically, my question is about the transmitter.
I’d like to increase the range as much as possible (ok, as much as the FCC will allow with
out a license… :D). I think I’ve got the antenna figured out (433 mhz 1/4 wave).
I also know that you get better range with a lower baud rate so I’ll experiment
to see what it buys me and I’ll use some sort of encoding scheme,
probably manchester.
I also want to run the transmitter at 12 volts. However, the datasheet
says that input high should be not less than Vcc - .5V. So, I’ll need to
boost the output of my PIC (might be an AVR, doesn’t really matter) to
about 12V. I’m thinking of a small signal NPN transistor as a classic
emitter-follower like so:
I’d probably feed the transmitter’s Vcc through another NPN to a) match
the drop of the input and b) be able to turn the transmitter off when not in
use. I probably don’t need R1. I’m not sure of the R2 value but was thinking in the 10K range.
Does this make sense? Any ideas that would work better?