Using USB for LPC serial download

I’ve been using the Philips ( or equivalent) download tool to successfully download code to a variety of LPC devices. I’m now thinking about taking one of the designs to production. Before trying it, I was wondering if anyone had successfully used on of the FTDI chips instead of the usual RS232 level converters. As the FTDI appears as a virtual COM port it seems like neither side should care, but I was curious if anyone had done it,



I think I used a USB-RS-232 adapter with my laptop once to load code into an LPC2148 system. Those adapters use the FTDI chip.


It’s been a while, but I could not select a usb serial port in the phillips tool.

Try Flash Magic.


I have used lots of USB adapters to program philips chips.

They work fine in both the Philips (Now Withdrawn ?) and Flash Magic.

We use these for production :- … tle=UM232R

These are good and can talk 3.3V no problem.

You can change the com port on the FTDI based adapters so you can use them from any software including the Philips software.

If you cannot work out how to change the port number post here and I will help out.

Oops just noticed this :- … cts_id=718

If you are stateside I guess you would use that to program your LPC chips :wink:

Thanks. I tried it, I can use the terminal OK to output text using it, but for some reason I can’t program it. I’ve tried Flash Magix under Windows and lpcisp under Linux. Haven’t spent too much debugging it, I normally develop under Linux, but last night booted back to Windows to try Flash Magic just in case it was some issue related to Linux. I’m using board and one of the Sparkfun FTDI adapters. Hopefully I’ll get time to look at it again soon.

Funny how all the answers came from Brits… I grew up in South Linc’s , now living in Sacramento,



Finally got around to debugging this. This is what I’m seeing. I can use a RS232 serial port to talk to the board, and and debug out from my board arrive at the terminal program, and any key presses in the terminal program arrive at the LPC2103. If I then connect the FTDI chip to my board, and point the terminal program to the USB com port, I can see my debug out from the chip. However, any key presses in the terminal program are not seen by the LPC2103. When I hook up my USB oscilloscope, between the FTDI chip and my board, I can see the pulses on the TX and RX line. However, the pulses FROM the LPC to the FTDI are 3.3V P->P, whearas the pulses from the FTDI are only 2V P->P. I assume thats why the LPC isn’t seeing them, not high enough to register. If I disconnect the FTDI from my board, then the pulses from the FTDI are 5V p->P . When I use the FTDI chip, the MAX 232 is still connected to the TX/RX pins on the LPC, I have no way of disconnecting it short of cutting traces. So for some reason it seems like being in circuit, the FTDI can’t drive the the line high enough to work. Any ideas "

