valentine IoT card

hello, i need to design an IOT card for valentine. Anybody who can guide me out? the card should be similar to this one: … 2904b.html

What are you looking for exactly? I can see, the schematic and circuit diagram is there. The gerber files are also shared. If you give the garber files to a good PCB manufacturer, they can print the PCB. You won’t need to design it by yourself.

Thank you! So i can be penalized if I lifted the gerber files and other materials from the website above? That was another worry too.

I don’t think so. If that were the case, I don’t think they would have shared the files. Anyway, I can see that you can also ask questions here:

If you are worried about any penalty, you can ask the site admins directly about their rules and regulations.

thank you for sharing the link This has been so helpful to me and I think I got the correct reply from them. I am currently using their saved files for reverse engineering to learn more about how to do this valentine card.


Valentine almost here. I have finished on the design and am planning to share with our manufacturer. Soon i will share the finished product.

Valentine almost here. I have finished on the design and am planning to share with our manufacturer. Soon i will share the finished product.

Eagerly waiting to see the final outcome.


Valentine almost here. I have finished on the design and am planning to share with our manufacturer. Soon i will share the finished product.

Eagerly waiting to see the final outcome.

a client bought the design and now am bound by the agreement not to share it. Thank you

a client bought the design and now am bound by the agreement not to share it. Thank you


This is a good news. Congratulations on the success of your design.

thank you too. I will be coming up with another design model and that one I will not hesitate sharing.