Hey all,
Quick question here for you. I want to do some VB/Windows direct control of the Arduino, in regards to stepping motors. Now I saw one of the sample projects here from Sparkfun, so, i thought i’d hit the forums to see what people know, and to possibly get some additional insight.
So, First, I need to assume that I would need to build some kind of command interpreter in the Arduino to read the commands I send to it from my Visual Basic application. Is this a true statement? Does anyone have a working example I can mod off of, and customize to my needs?
Secondly, in the example (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SzWp0vVAzI from Justin L ) I see that he’s using a baud rate in the 115000s. Most of my examples from arduino show 9600. Do they just have to match?
I’m starting to read up on Firmata, and it looks interesting, but I need to get a base understanding of the systems before I start digging thru pre-packaged stuff, that way if I run into a wall, I understand whats all going on. I’d like to actually use Firmata later on to read my pins and record status, etc… but for now, i’m just trying to get a really good understanding of how it all works.