VEML 6075 uv sensor / Correct ussage

The sensor works fine , with the samples in Arduino.

How to use it correct when pointing at lightsource? Led, screen and so on?.

When tilting the sensor aprox 45 degrees. the values going up exponential . i like to measure the uv index from LED sources. For exact mesuarement do i need to put the sensor perpendicular to lightsource?

Its strange that values going up when tilting the sensor. Some might think that values going down because lightsource is in an angle.

Please inform me how to use sensor correct. Best regeards, Ikke.

Hi Ikke,

That is interesting. According to the table on page 5 of the [VEML6075 Datasheet you should see the highest normalized output when pointed directly at your UV source so you should see those values drop as you angle the sensor as far as I can tell. If you use the [Configure UV Example do you see similar results when moving the sensor around your light source? Specifically, do the raw UVA and UVB values increase exponentially as well? Are there any other UV sources in your testing environment that could be adding a lot of background illumination?](SparkFun_VEML6075_Arduino_Library/examples/Example2_Configure_UV/Example2_Configure_UV.ino at master · sparkfun/SparkFun_VEML6075_Arduino_Library · GitHub)](