It’s a big request, but I’m looking for a module (or something) that can…
Transmit video
Transmit/receive stereo audio
Receive data
Be purchased at a reasonable price
Not be the size of a suitcase
At least that’s what the project needs, somehow, some way.
I’ve seen and worked with many of the cheapo 900MHz/1.2GHz/2.4GHz video/audio transmitters, but the quality of those for what I need is only acceptable. I have audio transceivers, but they’re only one audio channel, and again, the quality is only OK. Data transmitters can be purchased anywhere and/or easily designed.
If I put all of those together separately, I could have a low-quality product with 4 antennas sticking out of it. That’s no good though. Two antennas, maybe, but more than that, no.
So… does anyone have any suggestions? Any recommendations of existing RF modules that fit the bill (or close to it)? Thanks in advance.