Voice over Bluetooth

What would I need in addition to a pair of transceiver modules http://www.sparkfun.com/shop/index.php? … ansceiver& to create a wireless link for a microphone.

Do the bluetooth trancevers support an anologue signal or would I need to use a A/D convertor

The link would be strictly one way with a low ouput required from the reciver.

Any sugestions apreciated.


Can anyone even point me in the right direction for which A/D and D/A (serial) would be best for this application?

Can anyone even point me in the right direction for which A/D and D/A (serial) would be best for this application?

I think the best way would be to use the PCM functionality of these radios assuming that you want to transmit voice frequencies. If so, you would need a pcm codec.

Here is an example. http://rocky.digikey.com/WebLib/Texas%2 … IC1103.pdf

Many thanks, that is just what I need!