Voltage for WRL-12847 XBee Shield

Is the XBee Shield, WRL-12847, for 3.3V Arduinos or 5V Arduinos? The product description does not make it clear.

Hi ppelleti,

The XBee Shield was originally designed to work with Arduino Unos and Uno clones like the [SparkFun RedBoard so it works best with 5V Arduinos but it can work with Arduinos with an R3 Footprint that run at 3.3V. The one thing you will want to take into account is how the serial lines are connected for using either the Hardware UART pins (D0 and D1 on the R3 Footprint) and digital pins for SoftwareSerial (D2 and D3). There are limitations for the SoftwareSerial library for several Arduinos outlined in [this reference page from Arduino so review those to see if you are going to need to re-route those pins for SoftwareSerial RX and TX on the board you choose to use with the XBee Shield.](https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/softwareSerial)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13975)