Wanting to build resto/mod speedometer and GPS navigation, where to start?

I have a 61’ Jeep CJ5 I am wanting to modify the mechanical speedometer with a stepper motor to control the needle via GPS speed and build a GPS navigation system.

Unsure where to start, I see some products and tutorials on Spark, I have an idea of some of the needed components but unsure if Arduino or Pi would be the best foundation to build upon.


  1. GPS speedometer/stepper motor to control the analog needle within the stock mechanical speedo housing. Perhaps add a small LCD/OLED readout for secondary reference.

  2. Simple GPS navigation, unsure what software is needed or available. I assume I would need to program/plot trips in advance or is there a way to do so on the fly with a netbook etc? I typically take the back roads, use the “Avoid Highways” option on my current GPS app. If I could source software with that capability, that will be ideal for my needs.

These automotive gauge steppers could be a place to start: https://www.adafruit.com/product/2424

Your “simple GPS navigation” is not at all simple, if you expect to be using maps. You need digital map sources and code to interpret the data and perform route planning. Most people would use a dashboard mount for a smart phone, and use one of the standard route planning and navigation apps (with map download, if you will be out of cell tower range).

Yes came across that while searching, I assume that’s all programmable via Arduino?

I agree, I think the GPS is asking too much. I’d love an e-ink display model but coming up short.

Thanks for the response.

Any Arduino could easily read an inexpensive GPS module, and display the speed using that gauge stepper. My preference would be for a very small board, like the Arduino Pro Mini.

A mini could also display some really basic navigation info at the same time, like compass heading, miles traveled, straight line distance to go to destination, etc. on a TFT.

Sounds like a fun project!

Excellent feedback, thanks again! Yes, I hope so, I have a few others in our community awaiting my results.

The basic functions for (non-streetmap) navigation like heading and distance between GPS waypoints are built in to popular Arduino GPS libraries like NeoGPS and TinyGPS++, so take advantage of all that hard work, in addition to the many tutorials on line.

The basic functions for (non-streetmap) navigation like heading and distance between GPS waypoints are built in to popular Arduino GPS libraries like NeoGPS and TinyGPS++, so take advantage of all that hard work, in addition to the many tutorials on line.

Of course. I envision a transparent OLED blended into the metal dash somehow that blends in with the OEM aesthetics. Being a Gen X’er, I appreciate a blend of old and new technologies.