in my first project, I devised a circuit that would work as I want my water pump to pump water in Upper tank from ground level tank.It is working as I want but with some strange observation that I can’t explain.
The working is as follows.
It starts manually by a push button connection only if water level in upper tank is below one (receiving)probe in the upper tank.
It continues pumping till the receiving pole touches the water level.
This part is working smoothly over past few months.
- The circuit is designed so that the pumping will not start (or stop) if the water level in lower tank is below ( or goes below)certain level in the lower tank.
(The third requirement is just opposite to that of upper tank.)
Few months back I tried with two probes in the lower water tank and it didn’t work.Since I wanted to start filling for our daily need, I followed the following. I kept a plastic bucket,full of water,and inserted same probes in the bucket. If I were to take one probe out of bucket, pumping would stop. This arrangement worked fine, without giving me any protection (as it is designed to give)for water level in the lower tank, since probes were in the bucket!.
I tried again lowering two probes in the lower water tank, where they belong and they still don’t work!
I am unable to see any reason. Since the probes work in the outside bucket, the circuit is correct and working. It seems the environment is causing the problem.
Pumping motor’s earthing is to the body and hence in the water of water tank(?). So immersing probes in the water the probe with voltage gets grounded immediately! Hence no starting of the pump.
Some explanation about my desire for such requirements is in order. With my circuit probes aren’t continuously having voltage 24 x 7! It has voltage only when the pumping is on.
I hope that I have explained my problem well enough so an expert would find an answer for what I am observing.
Thanking you