How do I change the playback speed/pitch of the WAV Trigger? Do I need to built some circuit for this? or this is some specific connection to be done on the board?
How do I change the playback speed/pitch of the WAV Trigger? Do I need to built some circuit for this? or this is some specific connection to be done on the board?
To control the pitch/playback speed of a track on the WAV Trigger you’ll need to do it via the serial header/FTDI port outlined in the [Hardware Section of the WAV Trigger’s Hookup Guide. You can use the “wTrig.samplerateOffset()” function from the [Arduino Library with an Arduino. Alternatively, you can control the sample rate the via the serial header using the [Serial Control Protocol or [MIDI input with a MIDI controller.](](](GitHub - robertsonics/WAV-Trigger-Arduino-Serial-Library: WAV Trigger Serial Control Arduino Library)](
Thanks TS-Mark for the quick reply.