WAV trigger - struggling to connect to arduino uno

hello and thanks in advance for any help!

I am struggling to connect my WAV trigger to my arduino uno. I am new to electronics and don’t want to destroy the board.


I want the system to work so that people can build a soundscape by walking around a series of distance sensors. I have 3 sensors, labelled orange, pink and blue. For example, when someone stands close to the orange sensor it should play a bird sound. When they move away from the orange sensor it should stop playing this sound or play a different sound. Each sensor has 3 it’s max distance divided into 3 parts.

For arguments sake;

1m away - bird song

2m away - river sound

3m away - wolf cry


In summary my questions are;

  1. do I need an int file?

  2. how do I connect my wav trigger to my arduino uno (I have a written a proposal below)

  3. if I am storing sounds on the micro SD and using input from ultrasonic sensors connected to the arduino do I need to pay attention to the section of the user guide ‘hardware interface’? (details pasted below)?


I have 3 ultrasonic sensors connected to an arduino uno.

In front of each sensor;

I have divided up the space into 3 chunks according to distance and labeled these s, m, L (the distances are in the code)

For arguments sake each sensor is set up in the following way;

1m away (s) - bird

2m away (m) - river

3m away (L) - wolf cry

the sensors are called orange, pink and blue

I have a WAV trigger - robertsonics - which is working correctly.


Before I go further I am only trying to get one sound to play. The other tracks are commented out until I can get one to work. I also know the code I currently have isn’t going to work as I hope. But I am getting help on another forum for those details. My purpose here is just to get the wav trigger to work with the arduino and be triggered at least once by a signal from a sensor.

how do I connect my WAV trigger? I have seen a few different examples.

Can I use;

12v power supply


5v <> 5V

TX <> TX


I am already using the power pin for he arduino to power the 3 sensors.

Can I connect 5v to the breadboard where I am already powering the 3 sensors?

Hardware Interface: The “Contact Closure” option enables an internal pull-up for the trigger

input so that with nothing connected, the trigger input is “high”. When combined with the noninverted (default) option, a contact closure (button or switch) to ground will pull the trigger input

low and activate the trigger. The “Active - 3.3V/5V” options disables the internal pull-up for the

trigger, requiring either an external 3.3V or 5.0V signal to bring the input “high”. This allows the

trigger to be driven with the digital output of another micro controller. The invert option will

control whether the trigger will be activated on a low or high signal level.

Please note that you should never select “Active - 3.3V/5V” option without having an active

signal connected to the trigger. With nothing connected, the trigger input is floating and will

produce false and random triggers. Similarly, you should never apply 5V to a trigger without first

setting it to “Active - 3.3V/5V”.

I have attached a scematic and image of the wiring. I have skipped the chaotic jumping of the wires in the diagram that is present in the photo as it’s distracting.

the problem is now resolved.

How did you resolve? I too am trying to fire a WAV Trigger from an Arduino UNO ATMega 328