I am frustrated that in this day and age of micro controllers there is so little out there for
having an efficient RTOS and well rounded TCP/IP stack for commercial use.
So many chips today have MAC and or Mac/PHY built in but no software for it. I know, i know they are in the market to make the chip and not the software. But still…
For the small companies who need a somewhat fast processor in the area of 100mhz. i like the new LPC176x and Luminary LM3S9B9x’s, but that still leaves me empty for an RTOS & TCP/IP Stack.
There are some end providers to solve the problem, like:
In no particular order.
#1) Netburner, fast speed, excellent RTOS & TCP/IP stack, but a bit pricey.
#2) Rabbit, RCM5700, ok speed, good price, a somewhat goofy version of a RTOS, and not bad tcpip stack
#3) Zilog, Ez80F91 MiniModule, good price, a tad on the slow side, excellent RTOS & TCP/IP stack, but what they have been doing the last few years, who knows.
#4) Tibbo, EM1000, good price, to slow for anything i do, No RTOS, but can do like RTOS things, good stack, utterly easy to setup and use. actually a great product and company!
#5) Microchip, PIC32MX Ehternet Starter Kit. good price, No RTOS and Free Stack, Excellent speed. However getting good documentation and explanation of how to do things is absent. They make a great part, but lack the ability to create manuals for new users to do things. Also, what killed this part for me, is that i need to slap on a 480x272 TFT LCD.
i needed to use the PMP port (which is the address and data bus, ~CS, ~RD,~WR pins) for this LCD. With MC’s pin sharing concept (STPUPID!) if you use the ethernet port, it shares pins with the PMP port. So since i wanted Ehternet i dont get the PMP Port. so its one or the other. They should have made those peripherals to dedicated pins, and not forced the customer to have to choose which peripheral they want to use and give up.
OK, so why isn’t there a company that makes a great ROTS combined with a great TCP/IP stack which is low cost for these chip manufacturers with included MAC & MAC/PHY’s ???
I mean common now already.
typically we have to pay $>4000 for a RTOS, then another $5-7k for the TCP/IP stack. Even then, sometimes they make you pay more for additional features like DHCP, FAT and what not.
Please dont comment about lwIP or uIP, This is NOT anything that should be released into consumer use. I have tried FreeRTOS, and i like it, but when you see some of the comparisons for FreeRTOS to others its not all the best for ultra performance. Which is the problem with some of the Free stuff out there. it designed to fit in just about anything and in doing so, its not wrote to maximize and squeeze out all the performance one could get if it was specifically wrote for that processor.
I may sound like i am being cheap, but wouldent it be great taking the Luminary LM3S9B92, then slap a mag jack on it with a 3pin sot power supply and your now Ethernet live. The only thing missing is the RTOS and stack.
If someone company would come out with a combo software deal like this and sell it a good price <$1000 i think people would eat it up.
ok, im ready for the attack