I have few Duemilanoves with only one Ethernet shield all purchased some time ago.
I wanted to get more Ethernet shields but all of the legacy Ethernet shields have ICSP header but my Arduinos do NOT???
I know that I have Duemilanove since it says right on the board and those are NOT clones; they are the real boards with little Italian flag glued to PCB.
The one Ethernet shield which I have also does NOT have the ICSP.
I am confused about what type of Ethernet shield do I have that once sold at SFE and doesn’t have those headers? Can I use the currently sold legacy Ethernet shields although that header will just hang unconnected to the Arduino?
I think it would have been wiser to post pictures of the arduino and Ethernet shields that you DO have. So people might be better able to identify the version.
What is shown on the photo does have an ICSP connector.
Well, aparently they were designed by Tinker.it. I can’t find any site of theirs. Well the tinker.it domain or server seems to be down now atleast. I was hoping we could get to download some schematics.
Arduino uses digital pins 10, 11, 12, and 13 (SPI) to communicate with the W5100 on the ethernet shield. These pins cannot be used for general i/o.
So I guess it doesn’t need the ICSP connector. It’s just an additional connector specifically intended for programming, but could be used to communicate over SPI also. The communication with the Ethernetshield goes through the pins on the side of the board.](https://hackable-devices.org/en/shop/product/arduino-ethernet-shield)