What happened to the gold parternship with reddit?

I remember seeing Sparkfun on reddit gold with a coupon for $20 off or something. I was going to use that coupon to purchase a Raspberry Pi 2 but now it doesnt seem to be on the reddit gold page…what happened?

Hi there! I didn’t realize that this was no longer a thing. I’m checking into it right now to find out what’s up. :slight_smile:

Hi there! I didn’t realize that this was no longer a thing. I’m checking into it right now to find out what’s up. :slight_smile:

Thanks for looking into it! I'm really looking forward to buying a raspberry pi with accessories and things from you guys as I love your support with the community!

Hello! We are working on it and the promos from SparkFun will be back soon. :slight_smile:

Hello! We are working on it and the promos from SparkFun will be back soon. :slight_smile:

Thank you so much! I really appreciate what you are doing!!