What the difference between SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini and Particle Xenon IoT Development Board

I plan to to use nrf52840 for my new keyboard project. Can you tell if there any significant difference between WRL-15070 DEV-15025?

They both looks very similar, have same chip, jst for power, a lot of pins available. Which I should pick?

Hi abcdw,

The primary difference is the stock firmware on the Particle Xenon is designed to work with their OpenThread and Device Cloud services. The Xenon also works best with Particle’s Web IDE as outlined in the [Xenon Quickstart Guide.

The SparkFun Pro nRF52840 comes with a USB bootloader that supports programming via either USB Serial, DFU or mass-storage device and works with three development platforms, Arduino, CircuitPython and the Nordic SDK. Those guides are linked in the [Software Development Guides section of the Hookup Guide for the Pro nRF Mini.](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sparkfun-pro-nrf52840-mini-hookup-guide#software-development-guides)](https://docs.particle.io/quickstart/xenon/)